

Here I talk about my thoughts, ideas and anecdotes to share. This blog does not have anything to do with films, though I do want to write a movie script sometime. The name is just because I like how it sounds. Please leave your comments, even if you don't agree with what I am saying. That way we can learn together!

En este blog escribo mis pensamientos, ideas y anécdotas para compartirlos con los demás. No tiene que ver con películas (Films) aunque algún día me gustaría escribir alguna. Sólo me gusta cómo suena. :-) Anímense a dejar comentarios, no me agüito incluso si no están de acuerdo con mis ideas. al contrario! Aprendemos juntos.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

Prefacio de mi algún-día novela

Hola a todos mis fieles lectores!
Como algunos saben, quiero escribir una novela. Esta novela será distinta, no tan sólo por la historia sino por el estilo y manera de expresar la realidad. De hecho será una historia que dentro de nuestra evidencia asequible de realidad no tiene nada de falso o de fantasioso. Esto será difícil de demostrar, no lo intentaré aún, pero por lo pronto les doy esta probadita para que se vayan dando una idea y me vayan enviando sus comentarios... Híjole, es en inglés, espero eso no sea ningún problema...
This is a complex story. As a complex story, it is sometimes confusing. But, why would anybody want simple stories for, anyway? They are sooo boring! It is always the same thing, you know? Something exciting is going on, then a bad guy or circumpstance arises and then they are beaten or solved.
Simple stories are for simple people, and simple people are sooo boring!
Hey! Don't get me wrong here!... I'm not talking about complex people who are so used to their complexity that they believe they are actually simple people. Almost all the people I know who call themselves "simple" fall into this category.
But the thing is that there is nothing wrong with complexity. In fact, I dare to say that complexity is such a beautiful word. It is true that it is kind of scary at first. Just imagine: what if something is so complex that it makes me look dumb for not being able to solve it right?...
I know, I know! I'm being philosophical now, and that's no good for a best selling novel. I'll quit doing this now... for a while. Maybe I'm still on time to catch your attention. I wanted you to understand that I'm not different than you. I might be just another "unreal character in a novel" for you. I will not argue that for now, because you need to get to know me a little bit more to be able to see that I'm a lot more than that.
I need to insist that I'm not much different from you because my story is complex. It is a real story actually, so it takes the twists and uncontrolled end roads that reality takes. But there's another problem: This is not a common-sense story because it takes place in the future. I use all this strange technology, and I meet all those weird characters... but hey! that's where I come from!
As complex as my life may seem to you, I am telling you again: Don't be afraid! Complexity is not a bad thing, it will not eat your hand or anything. You will see that if I am successful in telling you my story, you'll never be afraid to learn anything ever again, even if it is the most intriguing and intricate concept.
I'll keep a slow step-by-step approach, not because you couldn't do any faster, but because it is a lot more fun. If you like video games, see it as a video game. If you don't... well, see it like something else that you do like, but continue reading. If a paragraph starts getting too philosophical or complex for your mood, jump to the next one. Nothing will happen. Just mark that paragraph so that when you finish the chapter, you can come back to it with a wider perspective and new light...
[To be continued]

Bonus! Una buena frase que me hallé:
"Television permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome. T.S. Elliot

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November 06 11:33 AM
Thanks for your comments pal, I really appreciate them. I've corrected my writting. I'll try to continue in English, let's see how far I can get.
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(no name)
October 27 10:33 PM
Line 4 should be, "simple people are so boring"
line 8: "in fact, I dare to say"
another line: "unreal character in a novel"
But I might as well be wrong since I am not american. I would rather do it in spanish if I were you.
O.k.... te lo lavas... ay la...

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